2 Event yang sama..... Wow ini yang pertama kalinya.....
Gong untuk NCC's Bangkit Week dan Surat Cinta dari KBB
Kue Bangkit adalah cemilan dari kecil karena di Palembang, kue ini banyak dijual
Resep yang aku pakai adalah resep keluarga yang mudah sekali pembuatannya
Kue Bangkit
1 kg Sagu tani, sangrai dan ayak
2 butir santan, peras kental
5 butir kuning telur
200 gr gula pasir
100 gr kelapa kering
1/4 sdt garam
1/8 sdt vanili
daun pandan
Cara Membuat
1. Didihkan santan, gula pasir, daun pandan dan garam. Dinginkan
2. Aduk sagu, kelapa kering, telur dan vanili sampai rata
4. Tuang campuran gula dan santan ke sagu sambil diaduk rata
5. Cetak adonan
6. Panggang dengan suhu 160 derajat Celcius selama 20 menit atau sampai matang
Note :
- Sebenarnya lebih baik jika telur dikocok dan dicampur ke santan. Baru setelah itu dituang ke sagu.
- Adonan ini dibuat 2 rasa..yang satu rasa original dan satu lagi dengan penambahan 1/2 sdt pasta pandan
Kalau mengenai rasa kuenya sich lrapuh dan melted di mulut dengan wangi pandan yang kuat terutama untuk yang ditambah pasta pandan.
Selesai sudah satu tantangan dari KBB.. tidak sabar lagi nich menunggu tantangan berikutnya
Till we meet again
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
KBB#19 Birthday Edition
Semoga Dengan Bertambahnya Usia KBB bertambah pula Komitment Member2xnya
Waktu membaca Surat Cinta ini aku senang sekali karena.....akhirnya dapat kesempatan untuk menebus. Ceritanya waktu tugas KBB#1 aku terlewat... jadi tidak mengerjakan... Rupanya masih dikasih kesempatan untuk melengkapi Raport KBB.
Jadi dengan dibuatnya Paris Breast ini maka semua tugas KBB sudah aku jalani....Thanks for the Chance
Here's my work
Paris Breast
Sumber: AWW Wicked Sweet Indulgences
Choux Pastry :
Ingredients :
20g butter
¼ cup (60ml) water
¼ cup (35g) plain flour
1 whole egg
Methods :
Preheat oven to hot. Grease 2 trays with butter or lays with baking paper.
Combine butter and water in a small saucepan, bring to boil. Add flour, beat with wooden spoon until mixture loose from the saucepan. Remove and transfer the mixture in a bowl, add egg and continue beat with spoon or mixer until soft.
Draw 4 cm circle on the baking paper. Pipe choux pastry around edge each circle. Oven 7 minute (depend on your oven). Reduce heat to moderate, continue bake for 10 minute or until pastry rings are brown and crisp. Cut in half, horizontally, bake further 5 minutes or until the rings dried.
Cool to room temperature.
Pastry Cream/ Custard / Creme Pattisarie
1 cup (250ml) milk
half of vanilla pod
3 egg yolks
1/3 cup (75g) caster sugar
2 tbsp corn flour
Bring to boil milk with vanilla pod. Discard the vanilla.
Beat egg yolks, sugar and corn flour with mixer until thick. Add a bit in time into the milk mixture. Return to boil the custard in over heat until thicken (take
care not to burn the custard!).
Spoon custard into piping bag and fill the 16 rings (each pieces) and top to each other.
Place paris-brest on a tray cover with foil. Pour toffee on top or drizzle and sprinkle sliced almond (20gr).
1 cup (220g) caster sugar
½ cup (125ml) water
Combine sugar and water, stir over heat until sugar dissolves, bring to boil. Reduce heat, simmer for a while without stirring until golden brown (not deep brown or in other names burnt, guys!). Remove from heat, leave until bubbles subside.
Dan Hasilnnyyyaaaa
Semoga dapat selalu menjadi member setia KBB. Karena selama 3 tahun ini sedikit demi sedikit ketrampilan untuk baking semakin bertambah dan dari melihat hasil foto teman2x yang sangat luar biasa , aku juga terpacu untuk mendapatkan hasil foto yang lebih baik.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
KBB# 18 - French Macaroons
Dari Sebelum dapat Surat Cinta sudah main tebak-tebakan mengenai tantangan kali ini. Pas menerima surat cinta langsung stress.... Tapi Commitment is Commitment harus mengerjakan tugas.
Tapi kebetulan bulan ini kok penuh sekali dengan berbagai kegiatan jadi baru bisa sempat membuat tugas pas mepet sekali waktunya dan gagal pula.... Percobaan I gagal total karena bukannya jadi Macaroon malah jadi kukis coklat yg manissss sekali. Percobaan II masih juga gagal...no Feet dan retak....
Dear Hosts... Jadi laporanku kali ini adalah Laporan yang tidak sukses. Macaroon ku tidak berkaki. Tadinya sudah mau mundur. Tapi prinsipnya yang penting aku sudah coba dan masih akan mencoba lagi.
Untuk Macaroon ku aku pakai resep Arfi dengan beberapa modifikasi seperti di bawah ini
Grue De Cacao Macarons (Resep Arfi) - Dengan sedikit Modifikasi
Untuk 12 sandwiched macarons
2 putih telur
2 sendok makan caster sugar
100g icing sugar, ayak bersama 60g almond powder (3 times)
1 sendok makan Cocoa Powder
2 sendok makan caster sugar
100g icing sugar, ayak bersama 60g almond powder (3 times)
1 sendok makan Cocoa Powder
Kocok putih telur hingga berbusa, lalu tambahkan caster sugar sedikit demi sedikit, sambil terus dikocok sehingga menghasilkan stiff peak.
Matikan mesin. Masukkan sekitar 2 sendok makan ayakan icing sugar dan almond powder ke dalam kocokan meringue. Aduk untuk ‘melemaskan’ adonan, lalu masukkan sisanya dalam dua tahap. Aduk, lalu masukkan grue de cacao. Terus aduk sehingga menghasilkan adonan yang makin lemas (ketika diaduk, akan merata dengan sendirinya, meskipun mengaduknya masih di dalam mangkuk). Masukkan adonan ini ke dalam piping bag dengan nozzle plain round. Semprot setiap bulatan ke atas baking tray yang dilapisi baking paper (or silicone paper, whatever convenience for you). Biarkan selama 1 jam. 15 menit sebelum 1 jam, panaskan oven dengan suhu 150C (oven saya pas untuk macarons segini, tapi sesuaikan dengan panas oven masing2 ya). Panggang selama 8-12 menit, atau jika sudah kelihatan ada kaki dan berwarna kekuningan. Keluarkan dari oven, biarkan sekitar 2-3 menit di loyang, lalu kelupas dari baking paper. Jika matang sempurna, maka macarons tidak akan lengket, tapi jika kurang matang atau terlalu lama dibiarkan di atas loyang panas, maka macarons akan lengket. Transfer kepingan macarons ini ke atas rak pendingin
Untuk perekat antar macarronnya aku menggunakan selai blueberry.
Ini hasil akhirnya.....
Tapi trust me I'll try again.....
Monday, May 31, 2010
KBB #17 : Savoury Bake
Waktu terima Surat Cinto dari Hosts sudah deg-degan..... kira-kira apalagi nich yang akan jadi tantangan. Pas baca judul dan ketentuannya... lega juga karena boleh pakai puff pastry ready made..
Niat untuk membuat sudah ada dari mulai googling resep filling..liat di youtube cara membuat lattice tapi entah kenapa tetep aja baru bisa buat setelah mepet tanggal akhir....(so sorry dear hosts)
Resep Filling yang aku pakai adalah gabungan dari beberapa resep yang aku sesuaikan dengan selera aku.
KBB# 17 Savoury Bake
Pastry : Puff Pastry siap pakai merk Edo
Filling :
300 gr creamed corn
100 gr Smoked Beef Bacon
50 gr Wortel, rebus potong kotak
1 batang besar Daun Bawang, iris 1 cm
200 gr Keju Cheddar Parut
1 butir telur (mentah)
1 butir telur rebus, potong 3
Cara Membuat :
1. Tumis Smoked Beef Bacon hingga garing
2. Aduk rata Creamed Corn, Smoked Beef Bacon, Wortel, Daun Bawang, dan telur mentah
Penyelesaian :
1. Olesin Loyang pie dengan mentega
2. Giling Puff Pastry seukuran loyang, masukkan ke loyang sambil disesuaikan dengan bentuk loyang
3. Masukkan bahan isi, tata telur rebus di atas isi, taburkan dengan keju parut
4. Mulai me-Lattice.
5. Setelah Lattice selesai, pie dipanggang dengan suhu 200 derajat Celcius selama 30 menit.
6. 30 menit kemudian.....
Karena senang dengan segala yang savoury...aku suka dengan Pie ini...dan seperti biasa setelah mengerjakan tantangan KBB aku pasti belajar sesuatu yang baru.
Love it.....
Till We Meet Again
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
KBB# 16 - Chiffon Cake (Chiffon Ketan Hitam)
Tema KBB#16 adalah Chiffon Cake....I'm so delighted...karena suka sekali dengan Chiffon Cake dan kebetulan ada Stok Tepung Ketan Hitam jadi pilihannya adalah bikin Chiffon Ketan Hitam. Resep yang aku pakai adalah resep alm. Ruri yang enak dan mudah sekali buatnya...
Berikut adalah Resepnya
Chiffon Ketan Hitam
(by alm. Ruri)
Bahan A :
5 butir kuning telur
75 ml minyak sayur
100 ml santan kental
150 gr tepung ketan hitam
Bahan B :
200 gr Putih Telur
1/2 sdt garam
Cara Membuat :
1. Masukkan tepung ketan hitam ke dalam wadah...buat lubang di tengahnya, tuang kuning telur, minyak goreng dan santan
2. Aduk searah dengan whisk hingga menjadi adonan yang kental dan licin.
3. Campur putih telur dengan gula dan garam. Kocok dengan mixer kecepatan tinggi sampai kental.
4. Campur adonan putih telur ke dalam adonan tepung. Aduk hingga tercampur rata
5. Tuang ke dalam loyang Chiffon. Panggang dengan suhu 180 derajat celcius selama +/- 50 menit
6. Setelah matang, terbalikkan loyang di atas botol hingga dingin. Baru di keluarkan dari loyang.
Ini step by stepnya :
Dan Inilah hasilnya
Jangan ditanya rasanya dech...empuk..harum....dan yummmyyyy...
Temenku langsung pesan 1 loyang setelah mencicipi sepotong ^_^
As always di setiap tantangan aku merasa ada improvement walaupun baby steps ya...
Di tantangan ini aku sudah bisa tergabung di kelompok blogger...Yiiippppiieeee
Blog ini masih baru sekali masih kosong karena belum dapet soulnya (he...he..he..)
Till we meet again
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Toastmasters And Me
Back in 2005 when I first join Toastmasters....my friends told me that I'm nuts....juggling with works in the office and 2 kids at home.....AND I still involved myself in an activity that required commitment. But I thought that I need to keep my english speaking level and Toastmasters is THE place for that. I was wrong...... BIG time wrong...because Toastmasters is not only a place to learn to speak English...I learn more than that. I grew my self confidance...my ability for Public Speaking....my Leadership skill....
Day By Day....Toastmasters make me a better person...enables me to meet with lots of people that are so excel in public speaking...Learning from them also develop my ability to a next level.... I still have a long way to go in my Toastmasters path but I'll enjoy every step cause with those steps I improve myself more.
And Do you know what I like most in Toastmasters???? The Ah Counter.....it's a role that counts how many times a speaker use pause fillers like "ummmm" ".ah" and words like "ok?", "you know?". Because when we speaks whether we realize it or not we tend to use those words....and actually it's not good...The usage of those words show how nervous and unprepared we are. I always caution myself to avoid using those words.
And there are more that I like...but I keep it for my next post
What can I say......Toastmasters is indeed the right place for me....I didn't make a mistake joining Toastmasters
Till we meet again
Quote of the Day : I am not discourage, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward (Thomas Alfa Edison)
Day By Day....Toastmasters make me a better person...enables me to meet with lots of people that are so excel in public speaking...Learning from them also develop my ability to a next level.... I still have a long way to go in my Toastmasters path but I'll enjoy every step cause with those steps I improve myself more.
And Do you know what I like most in Toastmasters???? The Ah Counter.....it's a role that counts how many times a speaker use pause fillers like "ummmm" ".ah" and words like "ok?", "you know?". Because when we speaks whether we realize it or not we tend to use those words....and actually it's not good...The usage of those words show how nervous and unprepared we are. I always caution myself to avoid using those words.
And there are more that I like...but I keep it for my next post
What can I say......Toastmasters is indeed the right place for me....I didn't make a mistake joining Toastmasters
Till we meet again
Quote of the Day : I am not discourage, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward (Thomas Alfa Edison)
Friday, February 26, 2010
Ice Breaker
I've been meaning to learn how to make a blog and if possible a good blog.
So I'm going to make this 1st post to be my Ice Breaker. For my toastmasters friends...you all know what Ice Breaker is. Right???
Hopefully here I can share with others my experiences in my roles in life as a daughter..a big sister...a wife...a mom...an employee...a Toastmasters/Communicators...an NCCers....a KBBers. Yes those are few off the roles that I have..some are given, some are my choices. And those roles give me a lot of learning.
Let me share few of them
As a Daughter : After being a daughter for almost 37 years, I learned to understand my parents and appreciate the things they do for me to make my life easier (believe me I'm lucky to have such great parents)
As a Big Sister : After being a big sister for almost 34 years, I learned to be able to stand by my siblings anytime they need me
As a Wife : After being married for almost 11 years, I learned to know my hubby better and try to be a good wife for him
As a Mom : After being a mom for almost 10 years, I learned to be more patient to my children and try to understand them better
As an Employee : After woking for almost 13 years, I learned to be able to work independently and try to solve the problems at work before going to the boss
As a Toastmasters : After being a toastmasters for almost 6 years, I learned to be able to communicate better and be a good leader.
As an NCCers : After being an NCCers for almost 5 years, I learned to expand my hobby of Cooking, Baking and Photography as there are so many talented friends in NCC and they are all so generous in sharing their knowledge and experience.
As a KBBers : After being a KBBers for almost 3 years, I learned few complicated recipes ^_^ , how to bake better and most important Keeping my commitments.
Now you know me better right? That's what an Ice Breaker for. To let others know you better.
Till we meet again
Qoute of the Day : What's important is to keep learning, to enjoy challenge, and to tolerate ambiquity. By Martina Horner, President of Radcliffe College
So I'm going to make this 1st post to be my Ice Breaker. For my toastmasters friends...you all know what Ice Breaker is. Right???
Hopefully here I can share with others my experiences in my roles in life as a daughter..a big sister...a wife...a mom...an employee...a Toastmasters/Communicators...an NCCers....a KBBers. Yes those are few off the roles that I have..some are given, some are my choices. And those roles give me a lot of learning.
Let me share few of them
As a Daughter : After being a daughter for almost 37 years, I learned to understand my parents and appreciate the things they do for me to make my life easier (believe me I'm lucky to have such great parents)
As a Big Sister : After being a big sister for almost 34 years, I learned to be able to stand by my siblings anytime they need me
As a Wife : After being married for almost 11 years, I learned to know my hubby better and try to be a good wife for him
As a Mom : After being a mom for almost 10 years, I learned to be more patient to my children and try to understand them better
As an Employee : After woking for almost 13 years, I learned to be able to work independently and try to solve the problems at work before going to the boss
As a Toastmasters : After being a toastmasters for almost 6 years, I learned to be able to communicate better and be a good leader.
As an NCCers : After being an NCCers for almost 5 years, I learned to expand my hobby of Cooking, Baking and Photography as there are so many talented friends in NCC and they are all so generous in sharing their knowledge and experience.
As a KBBers : After being a KBBers for almost 3 years, I learned few complicated recipes ^_^ , how to bake better and most important Keeping my commitments.
Now you know me better right? That's what an Ice Breaker for. To let others know you better.
Till we meet again
Qoute of the Day : What's important is to keep learning, to enjoy challenge, and to tolerate ambiquity. By Martina Horner, President of Radcliffe College
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